More articles yet to come! Until then, visit my Genetics
Corner column on the E-zine ShowCats On-Line and PandECats.
Looking for a good cat coat color inheritance "cheat sheet" to find out the colors of kittens you can expect from a particular breeding?
Check out this one!
Need DNA testing services to identify a cat, verify its parentage, screen for polycystic kidney disease, or determine its color? Contact the UC Davis Veterinary Genetics Laboratory for more information.
I have written a series of articles on health issues of interest to the cat fancy which are published via the Files section of the fanciershealth list on Yahoo!Groups. Check out our Cat Health Bookmarks section for other valuable resources. Come join an exciting group of almost 1000 cat fanciers interested in feline genetics issues by subscribing to our list using the button below.
If you buy my feline genetics book, Robinson's Genetics For Cat Breeders and Veterinarians, by clicking through the link below, a portion of the sales price goes to support cat health research.
Copyright © 1996-2008 Lorraine Shelton.
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Last updated January 23, 2008